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Relevant Industrial, LLC is proud to be announced as the North American Gold Distributor for DELTA XERO’s Nano Filtration Technology

Houston Texas— August, 26 2022 — Today, Relevant Industrial, LLC became the North America Gold Distributor for Delta-Xero with immediate availability of Product

“It’s the little things that make the difference between good and GREAT!" said Roger Frakes, Vice President of Purification. Did you know 90% of particulate contamination in liquid hydrocarbons is between 4 microns and 0.1 microns in size? Oxidation and the resulting varnish occur at these small particle sizes, that conventional ISO 4406 filtration does not completely remove. Delta-Xero targets these nanoparticle sizes and removes them with their patented capillary filter media. By removing these small particles, customers can stop oxidation, and stop varnish from forming, resulting in extended life for hydrocarbon fluid and the equipment it protects.       

The cost-effective nano filtration is implemented by a kidney loop system. This offline and closed loop system is set up to continuously remove these nano particles, whether your system is running or not.  It is also modular, making it very simple to adapt and size for any oil or fuel tank supporting your equipment.  After a few short weeks, not only will you see a dramatic improvement in your millipore test results, removal of these nano particles, you will also see the physical removal of the varnish off your rotating equipment. 

With the addition of nano filtration, Relevant is strategically aligned to offer the full range of liquid & gas filtration from + 200 micron down to as low as 0.1 micron, even in liquids!  

To learn more about this technology feel free to reach out to your local Relevant Industrial representative.


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