John Carter Neill
Current Undergraduate Program: Major: Biomedical Engineering / Concentration in Six Sigma and Minor in Industrial Engineering

Question 1: What new skills or knowledge did you acquire during your summer internship with us?
I learned the ability to write out standard operating procedures in neutral tone to not promote any bias towards a particular method. I also learned how a multidisciplinary engineering company handles topics for continuous improvement.
Question 2: How did your summer internship contribute to your personal and professional growth?
It allowed me to understand all aspects that have to go into an engineering project including project management, engineering, and more. There is so much behind the scene stuff that every department may not see and its helpful to understand that everyone plays an important role.
Question 3: What was your favorite project and why?
Definitely writing out all of my standard operating procedure documents. These were the most fun since I really had to apply what I had learned from school to make a process that would minimize variability in the steps by making the process very direct.
Question 4: How Would You Summarize the Unique Experience of Being Part of Our Internship Program?
It was definitely one of the most if not the most exciting place I have worked at before. Being able to be a part of a team that directly impacts someone else and being able to contribute my skills to the betterment of the group makes it very rewarding.
Fun Fact: By the time I graduate in May, I will have accomplished my Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Certificate, and my Black Belt.